
United States

Featured Artists



LALA EATS LALA is an Avant-pop artist hailing from the Smoky Mountains of Knoxville, Tennessee USA who recently got a lot of attention in the Taiwanese art scene and definitely an artist to keep a close eye on!

His artwork is deeply detailed, often involving words, symbols, and other hidden imagery throughout the work. 

The pieces visually reference psychedelic counterculture from the 60’s taken further. The subtle qualities mixed with his attention to detail make for strange yet seductive work.

Currently he is based in Taipei, Taiwan, focusing on pursuing the realm of installation, painting, and illustration. Trying to float between the low, middle, and highbrow perfection to create his form of visual jazz and conversation.

His solo exhibitions often involve live performance art which are as raw and authentic as his passion for skateboarding, including his signature “treflip” which he has on lock under every circumstance and terrain!

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