

Featured Artists


Lawrence Lu (呂宗燦)

1970 Born in lovely Liujiao Towship, Chiayi, Taiwan.

1990 Won the First Place on the National Art Examination and was admitted to the Department of Fine Arts in National Taiwan Normal University.

1993 Awarded the First Place in oil painting of the 10th Kaohsiung Art Exhibition, gaining an inclusion in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. 

1994 Awarded the First Place of the 17th National Oil Painting Exhibition, gaining an inclusion in the collection of an artist.  

Awarded the Second Place in oil painting of the Literary and Artistic Creation Competition of the Ministry of Education, gaining an inclusion in the collection.  

Invited as the representative of Taiwan to the College Artistic Education Intercourse Exhibition of Taiwan, Hong and Chinain the Chinese University, Hong Kong.

Being a member of Taiwan May Painting Group, and attending the group exhibition in the Impression Art Gallery, Taipei.

2001 Awarded the First Place of national painting competition by the work “Music flows on,” selected as the public art on the outer wall of Wufeng Music Hall, Taichung.

Employed as a part-time Lecturer in the Division of Continuing Education in Aletheia University.

Employed as a Lecturer of “Painting and Appreciation ” in Tamsui Community University.

2006 Attended the contemporary artist’s group exhibition in Meidiyas Museum of Art &Papertole, Taoyuan.

Attended in group exhibition with adult students in Taipei Cultural Center. 

Invited to a reviewer of a painting competition in the north of Taiwan, held by Shin Kong Life Insurance Co.,Ltd.

2012 Special Talks at Rotary Club of Taipei Evergreen and Rotary Club of Taipei Capital

Carefree World; large-scale painting collected by Ghungyuet Group

2014 Bridge of Happiness series; large-scale painting collected by O-BANK

2015 Designated as County Government Advisor by Chiayi County Government

2017 Morning Greetings series; large-scale painting collected by Jeou Tarng Culture Museum 

2011-2019 Art Revolution Taipei & Hundred Celebrity Charity Sales

1993-2017 Works included in private collections of public traded companies, corporations and collectors

2022 Attended the Art Revolution Taipei

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