

Featured Artists


Yang Che Liu (劉洋哲)

1944 Born in Hsinchu City, Taiwan

1969 Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Academy of Arts.

1986 Research at Atelier 17 Paris.

Solo Exhibitions

1986 Art Communication Galerie in Paris

1990 Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Center in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

1994 Memorial Gallery in National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei

1997 Galerie Berggase in Austria.

1997 Hsinchu Artists Series in Hsinchu, Taiwan.

2000 Woods Museum in Miaoli, Taiwan.

2000 National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Taipei.

2001 Contemporary Art Center in Osaka, Japan.

2004 Bureau of Cultural Affair Hsinchu, Taiwan.

2008 Apollo Art Gallery in Taipei.

1985~2011 The 1st-25th Asian International Art Exhibition, Taiwan.

2012 Retrospective Exhibition in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.


1983 First place in printmaking category, 37th Taiwan Provincial Flue Arts Show.

1987 Gold Nobility Prize, Art Society of China.

1987 First place in printmaking category, 9th R.O.C. Printmaking Exhibition.

1988-91 Participated in the printmaking category in the 3rd-6th Annual Shows.

1989 Social Education Award, National Taiwan Art Education Center.

1991 Special Mention, Nanking Printmaking Exhibition.

1992 The 2nd Annual International Miniprint Exhibition U.S.A. (Cash Awards).

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