Portrait Series / Naughty Girl 肖像系列/芳齡二五
“Authenticity—a way of confidence; you know you are loved, hence
you are not afraid to show/reveal your authentic/real self.”
I said, that is because you have known who you are, to a certain
degree. “Being authentic is also the method of/to
For instance: Being able to laugh when [you are] happy, to admit a
broken heart when in grief, to accept it when you’re infuriated and
express it with wisdom, but not repress it. Asking without fear when
you don’t understand; seeking after it when you aspire for
something. Abiding when all hope is lost, without pretending to be
resilient; confessing the wickedness/bitterness when you are at
great pain, with no concern for being different. Authenticity—it
conveys the richness of life’s diversity and makes us understand
our own sui generis quality. Thus, I consider it one of the most
beautiful human states among all. What is more, it is the virtue
among all other virtues, to be able to embrace one another’s
“Currently, we have been driven far from authenticity, casted it
away, even forgotten how to be our true selves.”
And perhaps we ourselves have chosen this plight… I wonder if it is
so, even as we persuade others as well as ourselves that such kind
of socialization must be the best and only choice for living.
「我們都渴望真實的活出自己, 但該如何在自我與他人達到一個平衡的關
我筆下的芭比和過往的印象不同, 她們的身姿都相對巨大,
臉部的神情也接近真人而非塑膠, 我在這裡隱藏一種掙扎的狀態,
也就是我們都在努力, 試圖從這些充滿吸引力的異化價值感,
TaiwanYear Created
AcrylicDFON Picks
Length: , Width: 50cm, Height: 60cmMain Colours: Orange, Pink, Red, Purple